Triple Engagement
A Nomadic Storytelling Odyssey
By Gabriel Alfonso Rincón-Mora
The Fight for mi Querida Daniela (also published in Jan/Feb, 2003, by Shades Of Romance Magazine (SORM),
Poem: Flor Andina (Also published in July 2004 issue of Nuevo Impacto)
Poem: Flower from the Andes
Don't Call Us - We'll Call You!
Poem: Little Lots (Also published in Spring 2005's issue of ECESIS, Georgia Tech
A Costa Rican Memento
Poem: Rebirth
Secrets of Times Past
Poem: Ride the Friendly Skies
Homer - the Chinese Southerner
Poem: Who am I?
A Glorious Life...Once Upon a Time
Poem: Rainbows of Peace
Gongxi-Gongxi - A New Year in Taiwan
Poem: Dia de las Madres, Por Que?
Poem: Mother's Day, Why?
The Tattered Crucifix
Poem: Heart Attack
Drowned by the Nile
Poem: Freaking oUT!
Dying - a Journey to the Mountain in the Sky
Poem: Goodbye
Mimi - and her Unsuspecting Boyfriend Mao Mao
Poem: Ecstasy
Revelation...or Folly
Poem: The Truth we Know
Boys will be Boys
Poem: Un Dulce Juego de Futbol
Poem: A Tender Game of Ball